IMA Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the IMA! Once your application has been submitted, it will be sent for review and approval to our staff and board of directors.
Please refer to the following definitions to determine the appropriate membership type.
Manufacturer: Manufacturers are defined as “establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products”. Any person employed by a firm that is manufacturing within Idaho is eligible to apply for membership on behalf of their company. (Manufacturers in adjacent states whose economy is tied closely with an Idaho region can qualify as an in-state manufacturer. For example, Ontario, OR or Spokane, WA.)
Supply Chain: Supply chain members are those that provide materials or processes directly involved in the manufacturing of goods. Out of state manufacturers can apply for supply chain membership.
Associate: Associate members are defined as providers of goods or services to manufacturers. These providers may be financial or business advisers, banking and lending representatives, or professional services/consultants and must have offices or representatives within the state of Idaho.
Partner: Partner members are employed by local or state governments, economic development entities or educational institutions.
If you don't fit any of these criteria, reach out to us to see if you qualify for a Student or Individual membership.